Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sure doesnt feel like it.


video idea.




lost friends.

sits alone.



i think my one worded blogs come from a certain lazyness on my part, and also me thinking its artsy to say less. when really, ive just been taught that whhen you say less, your less wrong.

it says so much

more with a melody.
because than you really have to listen. '


cant say anything
without being fought back
cant say anything
without being wrong.

wont say anything.
even thats wrong.
so say what.

in. what. you. believe.

believe is a overused, cheasy word. its like that becasue theres no other word for it. maybe thats why disney uses it so much.

id like to hit refresh and have somethign new appear sometimes. thats whats great about the internet. but thats just like hiding your past. becasue things never go away once they're on the internet.

japan, i love you.

sorry chicago, but seriously, u.s should realize it has better things to spend money on

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


leylani is one of my best freidns ever! yay!!!!!! im hyper xD

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

yayyay world.

thanks for telling me i suck world. i love you to. ill try and be a better machine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ummm uhhhh umm urrrrrrrr . bannana.

i never really ever finsih what i start. i mean, i get going abotu some topic and then all of a sudden

EDIT*: wow. i spelled banana wrong. and i had to sing the hollaback girl song to spell it correctly this time.


D: Capital of later Song Dynasty; located near East China and had various entertainment attractions )ex. restuarants, parks, and "singing-ladies")

S. permitted oversears trading; population exceeded 1 million

R. i think it would have been cooler to live there than write about it on a white peice of paper. but i guess thats as close as it gets.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

and what happens
when all the hares are trying to beat each other
to be one foot ahead always
and theres the one turtle
who cant understand
and it stands alone, waiting for something to happen
it doesn't want to be better, it just wants to be with
maybe 3 years from now.
maybe 6 months.
maybe a day.
a minute.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

foturne g=cookie.

i got a fortune cookie today. it said that i would soonfind adventure. that meant a lot to me. im bored. 3 more years. peace out.


im really lonely right now. anyways, more importantly,

" Light is the visible reminder of invisible light"

i hope that was right.
right now i am the invisible light. i wish to be light one day. maybe after high school. maybe after college.
i hope i never stop learning. i thirst for knowledge. not work, knowledge.

im a boring person. maybe thsi is why people never seem to talk to me anymore.
maybe i talk to much. and thats why people never talk to me. maybe im talkking to much about myself and thats why im boring.

i figure, maybe im just meant to be alone. maybe thats how i survive.

and not alone , alone. figuring out life alone.

be the light.