Monday, October 19, 2009

do you know what it feels like

do you know what it feels like
to have the year of your life
and the next
to have
to have no one to talk to
to see your friends moving on
to be standing behind, forgotten or not cared about
do you know what it feels like
to everyday
wish for
a true


was fun.

its easier not to talk.

i will stop..talking.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

do you ever see
the crystals of snow
do you ever feel
the breath of a word well spoken
do you taste
the fresh feel on your mouth

you only hear
what they see
you only feel through sound
music you say
i say beyond music
music and _ _ _ _ n _.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

it is finished.

life though, is never finished. not even when one dies. i guess what im trying to say is what mr wasler says to us enlgish students: writing is rewriting.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

i love. something.

words that make me happy



its october. hmmmmmmmmmmmPWESAPpxjfoaedspfjm.

hmm. october.
what will happen this month?
sweet sixteen
homecoming game

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sure doesnt feel like it.


video idea.




lost friends.

sits alone.



i think my one worded blogs come from a certain lazyness on my part, and also me thinking its artsy to say less. when really, ive just been taught that whhen you say less, your less wrong.

it says so much

more with a melody.
because than you really have to listen. '


cant say anything
without being fought back
cant say anything
without being wrong.

wont say anything.
even thats wrong.
so say what.

in. what. you. believe.

believe is a overused, cheasy word. its like that becasue theres no other word for it. maybe thats why disney uses it so much.

id like to hit refresh and have somethign new appear sometimes. thats whats great about the internet. but thats just like hiding your past. becasue things never go away once they're on the internet.

japan, i love you.

sorry chicago, but seriously, u.s should realize it has better things to spend money on

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


leylani is one of my best freidns ever! yay!!!!!! im hyper xD

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

yayyay world.

thanks for telling me i suck world. i love you to. ill try and be a better machine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ummm uhhhh umm urrrrrrrr . bannana.

i never really ever finsih what i start. i mean, i get going abotu some topic and then all of a sudden

EDIT*: wow. i spelled banana wrong. and i had to sing the hollaback girl song to spell it correctly this time.


D: Capital of later Song Dynasty; located near East China and had various entertainment attractions )ex. restuarants, parks, and "singing-ladies")

S. permitted oversears trading; population exceeded 1 million

R. i think it would have been cooler to live there than write about it on a white peice of paper. but i guess thats as close as it gets.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

and what happens
when all the hares are trying to beat each other
to be one foot ahead always
and theres the one turtle
who cant understand
and it stands alone, waiting for something to happen
it doesn't want to be better, it just wants to be with
maybe 3 years from now.
maybe 6 months.
maybe a day.
a minute.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

foturne g=cookie.

i got a fortune cookie today. it said that i would soonfind adventure. that meant a lot to me. im bored. 3 more years. peace out.


im really lonely right now. anyways, more importantly,

" Light is the visible reminder of invisible light"

i hope that was right.
right now i am the invisible light. i wish to be light one day. maybe after high school. maybe after college.
i hope i never stop learning. i thirst for knowledge. not work, knowledge.

im a boring person. maybe thsi is why people never seem to talk to me anymore.
maybe i talk to much. and thats why people never talk to me. maybe im talkking to much about myself and thats why im boring.

i figure, maybe im just meant to be alone. maybe thats how i survive.

and not alone , alone. figuring out life alone.

be the light.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I cry
For the grape
On the
He would eat it.

In the sink
are tears
that she
would drink.

why do they hurt.

I throw.
I waste.
I say I care.

I put the grape on the floor.

Friday, May 15, 2009

death. i dested that word. i detested it unitl the one day i met it. and it came in the form of Slyvester Adams.

No, he didn't smoke like you see in all those "above the influence" commericials. No he didn't take drugs. No, Sylvester Adams was a different kind of death.

The death in which you live and breath but you are doing it for others and are never happy yourself.

To be continued...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Stew & Sue's side

Its one of those days-
the one when i wear the ponytail again
the one day to keep my head down
Its one of those hours-
when i eat lunch alone


Monday, April 20, 2009

its alright its ok

i think i love music.
and i think im learning.
but im not learning anythign from school.
i think we learn
what we want to learn.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


sometimes cruising , something you don't want to do, is what you do for your friend. Sometimes is and ugly ugly word. SOMETIMES I DO THIS. WHIC MEANS ALMOST NEVER. AND ALMSOT NEVER never creates habits. and no habits mean never.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

trapeze swinger

celebrities do nothing for the world but take people to another world. i; i don;t know aht else to say. i need to stop fighting a fight not worth fighting.

I've been really down lately. I can't quite place why however. I mena i think i know why but its not a godo enough reason. Its so selfish.

I love blogging because its a way to let yourself go
and feel as if someone out there is listening to your voice
even when there isn't.

but then why

speak because one day someone will listen.

and while your waiting for that person

be that person for someone else.

Monday, April 6, 2009

i live because im afraid to die. but im afraid of living. i hate life right now. i hate it. i wish i could move. i wish i could go somewhere, anywhere. i want to go where the larks sing and where theres a forever and always. somehwere where people will never forget you. somehwere where people will love you no matter what you do. i want to go somwhere i dont have to pretned to laugh. somewhere where i wont be ofrced to learn things i hate. somehwere where i dont have to cry anymore, somewhere i wont have to sit in the car alone trying not to die. i want to go somewhere. theres no directions to somewhere though. theres only a circle goign round and round back to here.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

evolotion revolution

what would all the people do if God was the one who caused the big bang.

No Reason

The others walk towards her
She has no reason to go to them
They say hi to her
No reason to say hi back
They fight her
She doesn't fight back
She has no reason to stay
So she leaves

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, WHo is that?

My brain is that melted marshmallow you get from sitting at the campfire to long. Theres still some good parts, but most of it has been burned by carelessness. Actually, I wouldn’t know because I’ve never been camping, nonetheless roasting marshmallows.

What happens to us when we give to much of ourselves away? And no , I don’t mean sex. I mean that feeling of comfortableness we get around people that make it seem to be ok to be ourselves around them. And then when we start being ourselves and they start reacting to that self, we start to realize that that isn’t who we are. Its that someone that takes over whenever we need to smile. Its that someone that takes over whenever theirs a chance to make a joke, usually about somebody. Its that someone who we ourselves don’t even recognize.

Its that person we see in the mirror and don’t even recognize.

And when saw that person, I did nothing but turn around and walk away from them until the minute I got to school. Then it overtook me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Broken Doll

Dreams only satisfy until the rain starts to fall from your eyes
And the television starts playing in black and white
When the lyrics sound like happy lies
You pick up your broken toys
Put them in a box
And say goodbye
To your Best

Friday, March 6, 2009

nothings wrong with my face, somethings wrong with your mouth

home alone . i love today. it was wierd even tough i felt sick, for some reason everything seems more real now. like i was living under a veneer. or what ever that thing is the put over people's teeth. todays your day. take it. that sound cliche, but really. sometimes you have to be told things 1293748247-157827859719234871 times to find out what it means.

The Word "Vomit"

I just vomited. IM at home. i feel so bad skipping school. im not the kind of person who can miss school without feeling bad.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

music lets the people come together

does it though?
what is music
we hear it
but can we see it?
i can.
i see it in people.
i see it in stories.
i use it.
i hear it.
what is it
its weird
because music, can't exist
if theres no one there to hear it
but it still does
because it must

i just confused my head.

Thought of the Day

What people write shows their true soul.

i woke up

i woke up. i listened to the jonas brothers. i got out of bed and made it realllllllllyyyyyy badly. After which i went downstairs and played this melody i cant get out of my head but of which i cant get lyrics to. then i remebered this blog. But then i totallly remembered breakfast and ran and got cereal. Than, i logged on. Now, im doing this. Now, somoene is talking about how bad and messy i am. WooHoo. Its always nice to wake up and be told your a failure at life.

Life is Beautiful. No Sarcasm intended.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

last one i SWEAR give me a break its my first day....

I gave up chips and Soda for lent. Ive already ate one chip by accident. it was nachos. Sorry God.
I love a blank page. Theres somethign about a blank page i absolutly love. THE IDEA THAT I CAN FILL IT UP with a story that can touch millions, a script that can be acted out, a song that could be on the Billboard top 100, a letter to someone i love, a letter to the president, a novel almost as great as Dickens, and advertisement, a flyer to a concert, a report on child slavery in haiti, the inspirational words that can make someone not give up on living, the words that can lead them to Jesus, a link to a video that will make you cry. Words. They live and exist in everything.

and i think thats what makes music so magical. Music are the words that you can't find to say.

Sometimes, its not as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4

A Song i fail at finding:

if i woke up tomorrow
i'd cry
if i didn't wake up tomorrow
i died
cuz i;m lying in bed alone at night
and i sing to myself

what's the best way out when you can't see the light
what's the best way there
cuz i've been dreaming all night
its hard feeling misunderstood
then you said to me
its ganna be alright

if it all goes wrong i write a song
if i didn't meet you
i'm lost
asking myself

( chorus)

tomorow isn't so far away
one day you'll make it far
like a shooting star

Waking up is Hard to do

No pun intended. well actaully, yes. Got up. My THIGHS HURT LIKE CRZY. we did wall sits yesterday at swim practice. if your asleep already reading, ur lucky. i saw the jonas 3d moive concert yesterday. lost my voice. well. all for now.

- turtle